home | Monchy Trivium Foundation
Monchy Trivium Foundation was officially established in September 2019 and is an initiative of Rhumveld Winter & Konijn, Foodtrend, De Notenbeurs, De Monchy International and De Monchy Natural Products. The foundation aims to help improve the livelihoods of communities and smallholder farmers involved in the group’s value chains through education and training and the implementation of regenerative agricultural practices.
Working with local partners, de Monchy Trivium Foundation has launched projects in Brazil (2019), South Africa (2019), Bolivia (2019 & 2021), Madagascar (2020) and Vietnam (2022).
We regularly visit our suppliers and the communities involved. Visiting these communities, which are often located in isolated areas, motivates us to make change and give these communities a better future.
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You will encounter products from MFC and its companies all day long. Whether at your breakfast, lunch, snack, drinks or dinner.
We have a diverse team of dedicated professionals across the globe. Each team member brings their own specific skills, resulting in a close-knit and well-matched team. Although we are not all in the same location, we work closely together with the same goal in mind: to treat natural ingredients, the people who work with them and the earth with respect and, together with our partners, deliver tasty products that enrich life.
Foodtrend - Paul van Kempen
De Notenbeurs - Kier Jan Sloots
Rhumveld Winter & Konijn - Paul van Schijndel
MFC - Pieter Schrijver
The companies within de Monchy Food Company are always interested in new initiatives, new partnerships and new employees. Are you interested? Then get in touch with us.
Rivium 1e Straat 83
2909 LE
Capelle aan den IJssel